True Romance Valentine’s Bouquet


Six Red Naomi Luxury Roses- these particular roses are large headed, lightly fragranced, and have velvet-like petals! Complementing these beautiful red roses are the palest pink spray roses, alstroemerias, pretty pale green chrysanthemums, salix (white and pale pink), scented baby blue eucalyptus, and soft ruscus foliage all arranged in a unique bespoke style.

This beautiful bouquet is professionally hand-tied and delivered in a recyclable and re-usable StemGem vase for you to keep. You may like to choose to add a pretty wooden heart-shaped charm that sits around the neck of the vase, adding a lovely natural touch, these are available at £2 each.

Card holder and card included free of charge for Valentines (no need to add to order).

Height of bouquet approx 26 inches including vase.

Available to pre-order for Valentine’s Day! (We advise pre-ordering to avoid any disappointment).

Delivery will only be available on Sunday 13th and Monday 14th February. This product has limited availability.

For information about deliveries, please refer to the delivery page in the footer.

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Six Red Naomi Luxury Roses- these particular roses are large headed, lightly fragranced, and have velvet-like petals! Complementing these beautiful red roses are the palest pink spray roses, alstroemerias, pretty pale green chrysanthemums, salix (white and pale pink), scented baby blue eucalyptus, and soft ruscus foliage all arranged in a unique bespoke style.

This beautiful bouquet is professionally hand-tied and delivered in a recyclable and re-usable StemGem vase for you to keep. You may like to choose to add a pretty wooden heart-shaped charm that sits around the neck of the vase, adding a lovely natural touch, these are available at £2 each.

Card holder and card included free of charge for Valentines (no need to add to order).

Height of bouquet approx 26 inches including vase.

Available to pre-order for Valentine’s Day! (We advise pre-ordering to avoid any disappointment).

Delivery will only be available on Sunday 13th and Monday 14th February. This product has limited availability.

For information about deliveries, please refer to the delivery page in the footer.

Six Red Naomi Luxury Roses- these particular roses are large headed, lightly fragranced, and have velvet-like petals! Complementing these beautiful red roses are the palest pink spray roses, alstroemerias, pretty pale green chrysanthemums, salix (white and pale pink), scented baby blue eucalyptus, and soft ruscus foliage all arranged in a unique bespoke style.

This beautiful bouquet is professionally hand-tied and delivered in a recyclable and re-usable StemGem vase for you to keep. You may like to choose to add a pretty wooden heart-shaped charm that sits around the neck of the vase, adding a lovely natural touch, these are available at £2 each.

Card holder and card included free of charge for Valentines (no need to add to order).

Height of bouquet approx 26 inches including vase.

Available to pre-order for Valentine’s Day! (We advise pre-ordering to avoid any disappointment).

Delivery will only be available on Sunday 13th and Monday 14th February. This product has limited availability.

For information about deliveries, please refer to the delivery page in the footer.

Add A Little Something Extra To Your Flowers For The Personal Touch.

Wooden Laser Names - Family
Wooden Charms