LUXURY Wildflower Style Bouquet


An abundance of glorious colour is bursting out of this extra special bouquet using the best quality wildflowers, full of variety producing a stunning natural design!

Roses, Viburnum, Papaver, Delphiniums, Astilbe, Clematis, Astrantia, Thlaspi, Olive, Ruscus and Populus.

This absolutely beautiful bouquet is professionally hand-tied and delivered in a recyclable and re-usable StemGem vase for you to keep. You may like to choose to add a pretty wooden charm that sits around the neck of the vase, adding a lovely natural touch, these are available at £2 each.

Height of bouquet approx 30 inches including vase.

For general information about delivery and charges, please refer to the delivery page in the footer.

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An abundance of glorious colour is bursting out of this extra special bouquet using the best quality wildflowers, full of variety producing a stunning natural design!

Roses, Viburnum, Papaver, Delphiniums, Astilbe, Clematis, Astrantia, Thlaspi, Olive, Ruscus and Populus.

This absolutely beautiful bouquet is professionally hand-tied and delivered in a recyclable and re-usable StemGem vase for you to keep. You may like to choose to add a pretty wooden charm that sits around the neck of the vase, adding a lovely natural touch, these are available at £2 each.

Height of bouquet approx 30 inches including vase.

For general information about delivery and charges, please refer to the delivery page in the footer.

An abundance of glorious colour is bursting out of this extra special bouquet using the best quality wildflowers, full of variety producing a stunning natural design!

Roses, Viburnum, Papaver, Delphiniums, Astilbe, Clematis, Astrantia, Thlaspi, Olive, Ruscus and Populus.

This absolutely beautiful bouquet is professionally hand-tied and delivered in a recyclable and re-usable StemGem vase for you to keep. You may like to choose to add a pretty wooden charm that sits around the neck of the vase, adding a lovely natural touch, these are available at £2 each.

Height of bouquet approx 30 inches including vase.

For general information about delivery and charges, please refer to the delivery page in the footer.

Add A Little Something Extra To Your Flowers For The Personal Touch.

Wooden Laser Names - Family
Wooden Charms