Fresh Seasonal Bouquet - Country Garden Style


All hand-tied bouquets are hand delivered in a recyclable and re-usable StemGem vase for you to keep. There are a choice of pretty wooden charms that sit around the neck of the vase, adding a lovely natural touch, these are available at £2 each. If you have a preference of charm type then please state when ordering.

Flower types may vary depending on seasonal availability. At these times I may need to substitute certain flowers or foliage with something equally as beautiful but always in keeping with the colours, style, and value that you have chosen.

For information about deliveries, please refer to the delivery page in the footer.

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All hand-tied bouquets are hand delivered in a recyclable and re-usable StemGem vase for you to keep. There are a choice of pretty wooden charms that sit around the neck of the vase, adding a lovely natural touch, these are available at £2 each. If you have a preference of charm type then please state when ordering.

Flower types may vary depending on seasonal availability. At these times I may need to substitute certain flowers or foliage with something equally as beautiful but always in keeping with the colours, style, and value that you have chosen.

For information about deliveries, please refer to the delivery page in the footer.

All hand-tied bouquets are hand delivered in a recyclable and re-usable StemGem vase for you to keep. There are a choice of pretty wooden charms that sit around the neck of the vase, adding a lovely natural touch, these are available at £2 each. If you have a preference of charm type then please state when ordering.

Flower types may vary depending on seasonal availability. At these times I may need to substitute certain flowers or foliage with something equally as beautiful but always in keeping with the colours, style, and value that you have chosen.

For information about deliveries, please refer to the delivery page in the footer.

Add A Little Something Extra To Your Flowers For The Personal Touch.

Wooden Laser Names - Family
Wooden Charms